Randy Marion Ford on Folger Drive, Statesville. Bring your old tax records, bills, medical records etc for on-site document destruction. Paper should be free of random objects and trash - paper clips, staples and rubber bands are acceptable. Boy Scouts will be there to help unload your records - donations appreciated.We will provide on-site shredding services for your personal and confidential paper records. Computers and hard drives will be accepted for recycling courtesy of Smart Metals Recycling. CRT monitors accepted for a $5 fee, TV's accepted for a $10 fee. No charge for document destruction. Paper should be free of random objects and trash - paper clips, staples and rubber bands are acceptable. Volunteers from CN Jenkins Memorial Presbyterian Church will be on hand to help unload cars - just follow the car line to the shred truck and we will take care of the rest
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Shredding-Paper, Document Destruction Service, Paper Shredding Machines, Records Management Consulting & Service
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