Cafe Sabroso Restaurant Corp
1881 NW 7th St, Miami, FL 33125

Provided by YP.comever since i fist came to eat at this place i fell in love , the owner himself greeted me at the front door and walked to me a table, place is very fancy and air is always on i be relaxed eating my meal. what i always order is Chicken Breast, Fried Fillet Fish, Sea Food Soup or my favorite plate which is the Famous BALIADAS! they even offer free deliver also which makes me even love them more. because i always order since i only live a few blocks
Provided by YP.comI really like this restaurant their food is pretty good its not a big place but its pretty nice service is great, its also fancy inside i love the Tables and chairs. I have been coming here more often than usual its not that far from my place. Employees are very welcoming and mannered food is done pretty quick and its always delicious i have never had a complain about this place so far and pretty sure am not either . Great Restaurant Cafe Sabroso.

Provided by YP.comThis place offers great food, i really like coming to eat here food is well cooked and well served. Service is pretty nice and employees are pretty lovely. Prices are reasonable and you actually get more than what you think, its also really fancy inside i love this place, plus me and the owner know each other for quiet a while. Great Restaurant

Provided by YP.comThis place offers Great service apart from their delicious food, i enjoy coming to eat here place is very calm and relaxing, neighborhood is pretty cool for myself that enjoy coming to the Little Havana neighborhood. i first tried out this place because i was driving by real hungry and saw this place first, so i decided to check this place out and see what food this place has and well i loved it their fried fish was pretty great, so are their Carne Asada but what i loved the most was their Fried shrimps with some Fries and some salad that's my favorite food i never get enough of it. Keep the great Food Cafe Sabroso you should check this place out when ever you're around.

Provided by YP.comThis is a great place to come and sit down and have a wonderful meal. This place has amazing service as soon i walked in i was well received walked to my table place is not that big but is real fancy food is delicious prices are reasonable food is done real quick and well cooked. Nice Spanish restaurant. I rate it a 4.5
Provided by YP.comNice spanish place i came here with my son wanting to try out some Baliadas, as soon we walked in we was well received place was very nice and clean it seemed very fancy also. food was well cooked baliadas where done quick and they had this great taste i ate 4, 2 with eggs inside and 2 with meat , my son had 2 regular ones he loved them also. we come back when ever we in for some baliadas

Provided by YP.comMy Favorite Spanish Restaurant here in Miami. I always have a great time eating here in Cafe Sabroso, Their food is delicious and well cooked service is amazing employees are lovely and friendly food is done quick, place is very fancy and prices are Reasonable, they even make pasta here with shrimps taste better than Olive Garden if u ask me. Tropical juice are great also i had me 2 Tamararind drinks. their Beef soup is also good is something i always have. aprt from the Salad and their Baliadas..

Provided by YP.comGreat Restaurant i love coming here to eat the food the delicious and well cooked. The owners are very nice and friendly you get well greeted at the front door place is very fancy, and chilly. Service is amazing this is the kind of place you should come to eat. Their Fried Fish, Baliadas, And Seafood soup are delicious trust me, come check this place out when ever your'e around.

Provided by YP.comMy favorite Restaurant here in Miami on the Little Havana Neighborhood their food is delicious and their service is great very nice people you get well Greeted at the Front door, place is very relaxing a Fancy i love their tables and chairs. well to eat i had a Order of tacos first and they where really good i always wanted to try out some Spanish Tamales everyone say they are good is i was curious on trying them out so i order some here and WELL they where amazing i had 2 and they had this such great taste i love Tamales now hahaha to drink i had something they said it was called orchata it taste real good never tried it before but it was good, i really enjoyed eating here i even took home 3 Tamales for my mom to try them out. come check this place out when ever you're around.

Provided by YP.comGreat Spanish restaurant, i was real hungry so i was driving by and was saying to myself which ever place i see first would be my destination and well the food was delicious it was a great choice coming here i loved the it, its very Fancy and chilly inside they received me very well and the service was very good, food was well cooked with great taste. ordered an Ox Tail i literally never had an Ox tail taste that good before, and the Natural juice are well done i love the PineApple one. Nice Honduran come and check it out..

Provided by YP.comVery Good Restaurant Great Food, i had a good experience was treated very nice got a good service very welcoming people. its a clean & fancy place . delicious food, first time i came to try baliadas they where good, ate me a fried fish afterwards with a nice cold Sprite, i would be coming back with friends & family!...

Provided by YP.comCafe Sabroso se ah vuelto mi restaurante favorito, después de ordenar almuerzo aquí todos los viernes y sábados siempre sopa de Res y Sopa Marinera me empeso a encantar de lo calentito y delicias sabor que tiene la comida empece mejor a venir a comer aquí. al entrar me recibieron bien me senté y me tragieron el menú con un vaso de jugo de naranja mientras miraba que iba a ordenar. de todas las veces que eh venido ya eh probado Sus Pechugas De Pollos, Carne Asada, Ceibeñas de chuleta, Baliadas, y sus Pescado al Ajillo y todas me an encantado no eh tenido ninguna queja sobra la comida siempre les queda sabrosa, por eso se llama Cafe Sabroso, Hasta el Cafe con Leche les queda delicia con unos polporones. Gracias Cafe Sabroso por el Orgullo Hondureño

Provided by YP.comAyer Pase por aquí mire que era un restaurante hondureño estaba curiosa por probar su comida y también porque andaba hambre, al entrar me recibió bien Lucy ella es bien amable me trajo un vaso de jugo con pan de ajo por mientras esperaba la comida, Ordene un rabo encendido que vino acompañado con Plátano Verde, Arroz congri, ensalada y un vaso de Horchata. estaba deliciosa y calentita la comida en verdad que me gusto no avía probado algo así antes, en el menú si que tienen buena comida que me tarde en pedir algo porque todo se mira deliciosa Gracias Lucy y café sabroso

Provided by YP.comLa comida de aquí es deliciosa me encanto. La gente es muy respetosa y por dentro se mira bien limpio y elegante con aire a condicionado, de comida Me comi una pechuga de pollo con Arroz Blanco, Frijoles Enteros, Tostones, Ensalada de Lechuga y un Vaso de Mora, la comida estuvo estupenda me encanto, para llevar me lleve una orden de tacos de pollo la orden lleva 3 y a mi mama le gustaron que quería mas jajajaja. Buen restaurante Cafe Sabroso

Provided by YP.comLa mejor comida Hondureña que eh probado me encanto vine aqui el domingo a probar de sus Baliadas y eran de la mas ricas Baliadas que eh probado, aparte de las Baliadas también probé las pupusas y me encantaron con un Vaso de Maracuya quede Cerdita hahahaha, Gracias Cafe Sabroso por la comida Deliciosa

Provided by YP.comThey have some really good food on their menu, i really like it here. Been coming here for 2 weeks already, ever since the first day i enjoyed the food so i told myself i would be coming so i did & loved it even more, Ever since than i been coming back often. its funny how i decided to actually try it here, i was driving by very hungry & it was the first place i seen so i was like oh well am going to try the food out, & it was a good choice the food was delicious!

Provided by YP.comdeliciosa comida que venden aqui, nunca me canso de venir a comer aqui puedo estar lejos del restaurante y no me importaria manejar hasta alla. la comida es bien rica y bien cosinada buen sabor, en la manana me tomo una Tasa de cafe con leche y Cemitas o polporones. Cafe Sabroso siempre va aser mi Restaurante Favorito!..

Provided by YP.comMi Restaurante favorito desde la primera vez que comi aqui, me encanto la comida y empese a venir segido a comer aqui y para que me quede clavada ahora solo aqui quiero venir, me encanta la comida aqui es bien rica y tienen de todo y todo les queda rico, eh venido aqui mucho que hasta ya comi todo lo que tiene el menu hahaha, mis mejores platos son La Sopa Marinera, La pechuga de pollo, y el Rabo encendido mis devilidades.

Provided by YP.comComida bien rica en cafe sabroso, es mi mejor Restaurante Catracho la comida queda buenisima me encanto comer aqui, es bien tranquilo elado y decente, me atienden de lo mejor la comida siempra me la traen a tiempo y cuando llamo por delivery la comida siempre llega bien calientita. la comida es bien comoda alveces digo que te dan mas de lo que pagas. Gracias Cafe Sabroso por ser el mejor Restaurante Catracho en Miami!

Provided by YP.comAmo el Rastaurante Cafe Sabroso siempre me ah gustado venir a comer aqui la comida es deliciosa y bien cosinada cuando llego a comer aqui con hambre me traen la comida rapida no espero mucho eso me encanta eh probado casi toda la comida en el menu y todas son ricas no eh tenido ningun problema, Es unos de mis mejores Restaurante Hispano
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Cuisines: Cafeterias
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes